
“The Inspiring Story of Jordan Monsanto: How She Overcame Adversity to Become a Successful Entrepreneur” 

 February 28, 2023

The Inspiring Story of Jordan Monsanto: How She Overcame Adversity to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

Jordan Monsanto is a successful entrepreneur, known for co-founding and serving as the Chief Operating Officer of The Green Solution. Her inspiring story teaches us about overcoming adversity, pursuing your dreams, and giving back to the community.

Early Life and Adversities

Jordan was born in Alaska and grew up in a difficult household. She faced numerous challenges from a young age, including poverty, domestic violence, and drug abuse. Despite these adversities, Jordan remained strong and persevered through her struggles.

After high school, she moved to Colorado to attend college, but soon dropped out due to financial difficulties. Jordan then took on various odd jobs to make ends meet, including working as a bartender and a carpet cleaner.

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During this time, Jordan became interested in the legal cannabis industry. However, the industry was not yet established, and she faced numerous obstacles in pursuing her dreams.

Starting The Green Solution

Despite the challenges, Jordan and her business partners persevered and founded The Green Solution in 2010. The company became one of the first legal, vertically-integrated cannabis companies in the world. Today, The Green Solution operates multiple dispensaries across the United States and has won numerous awards for its exceptional customer service and high-quality products.

Philanthropy and Community Work

Jordan is also an advocate for giving back to the community. She has worked tirelessly to support various charitable causes, including cancer research, hurricane relief, and the National MS Society.

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In 2018, Jordan and her team at The Green Solution launched the “Cancer Crusher” fundraising campaign, which raised over $100,000 for cancer research.

Challenges Along the Way

However, Jordan’s journey was not without its challenges. Throughout her career, she faced various roadblocks, including regulatory challenges, financial struggles, and even a tragic fire that destroyed one of her dispensaries.

But Jordan never gave up. She remained focused on her vision and worked tirelessly to overcome these obstacles.

Lessons Learned

Jordan’s journey teaches us that success is not always easy, but it can be achieved through hard work, perseverance, and a commitment to your vision. She never lost sight of her goals, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges.

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Q1: What is The Green Solution?
The Green Solution is a vertically-integrated cannabis company that operates multiple dispensaries across the United States. It was co-founded by Jordan Monsanto in 2010.

Q2: What challenges did Jordan face in starting The Green Solution?
Jordan faced numerous challenges in starting The Green Solution, including regulatory hurdles, financial struggles, and the stigma associated with the cannabis industry.

Q3: What philanthropic causes does Jordan support?
Jordan is an advocate for various charitable causes, including cancer research, hurricane relief, and the National MS Society.

Q4: What was the “Cancer Crusher” campaign?
The “Cancer Crusher” campaign was a fundraising initiative launched by The Green Solution in 2018 to support cancer research. It raised over $100,000 for the cause.

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Q5: What can we learn from Jordan’s journey?
Jordan’s journey teaches us that success is achievable through hard work, perseverance, and a commitment to your vision.

Q6: What obstacles did Jordan face throughout her career?
Throughout her career, Jordan faced numerous obstacles, including regulatory challenges, financial struggles, and even a tragic fire that destroyed one of her dispensaries.

Q7: What is the significance of Jordan’s story?
Jordan’s story is significant because it teaches us about overcoming adversity, pursuing your dreams, and giving back to the community.

In Conclusion

Jordan Monsanto’s inspiring story teaches us that success is not always easy, but it can be achieved through hard work, perseverance, and a commitment to your vision. She never lost sight of her goals, even in the face of overwhelming challenges. We can all learn from her example and make a positive impact in our communities, just as Jordan has done through her philanthropic work.

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