
Breaking Down the Success Strategies of Estrella Cerqueira: A Guide to Achieving Your Goals 

 March 8, 2023


Setting goals is an essential aspect of achieving success, but most people struggle with identifying and implementing the right strategies to achieve those goals. That’s where Estrella Cerqueira comes in – a successful businesswoman and entrepreneur who has mastered the art of goal setting and attainment. In this blog post, we will explore her success strategies and provide a guide to achieving your goals.

Section 1: Background on Estrella Cerqueira

Estrella Cerqueira is an accomplished entrepreneur who has founded two successful companies. Her first company, EST Nutrition, is a supplement company that has grown significantly since its inception in 2016. Her second company, Organically Estrella, is a luxury skincare company that launched in 2020. With her extensive experience in business and entrepreneurship, Estrella has developed several strategies that have helped her achieve success.

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Section 2: Defining Your Goals

The first step to achieving your goals is to define them clearly. Estrella recommends taking the time to evaluate what you want to achieve and why it is important. Then, write down your goals and review them regularly to stay focused.

Section 3: Creating a Plan

Once your goals are defined, the next step is to create a plan. Estrella suggests breaking down your goals into smaller, achievable steps. This will help you stay on track and avoid becoming overwhelmed.

Section 4: Staying Motivated

Achieving your goals requires focus and motivation. Estrella advises finding motivation in your purpose and staying focused on your “why.” She also recommends surrounding yourself with people who inspire and encourage you.

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Section 5: Taking Action

Taking consistent action towards your goals is crucial to achieving success. Estrella stresses the importance of taking action, even when you don’t feel like it. She advises creating a routine and staying organized to ensure that you are making progress towards your goals.

Section 6: Overcoming Obstacles

Obstacles are a natural part of any journey towards success. Estrella suggests reframing obstacles as opportunities to learn and grow. She also recommends seeking support from mentors or friends who can help you overcome challenges.

Section 7: Measuring Your Progress

Measuring your progress is crucial to achieving your goals. Estrella recommends setting milestones and celebrating your achievements along the way. This will help you stay motivated and focused.

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Section 8: Continuously Evolving

Finally, Estrella stresses the importance of continuously evolving. As you achieve your goals, it’s important to reassess and set new goals. This will ensure that you continue to grow and reach new heights of success.


1. What is the first step to achieving success?

The first step to achieving success is defining your goals. This includes evaluating what you want to achieve and writing down your goals.

2. How do you stay motivated to achieve your goals?

Staying motivated requires finding motivation in your purpose and staying focused on your “why.” It also helps to surround yourself with people who inspire and encourage you.

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3. How do you overcome obstacles when working towards your goals?

When facing obstacles, it’s important to reframe them as opportunities to learn and grow. Seek support from mentors or friends who can help you overcome challenges.

4. How do you measure progress towards your goals?

Measuring progress requires setting milestones and celebrating achievements along the way. This will help you stay motivated and focused.

5. Why is it important to continuously evolve?

Continuously evolving is important to ensure that you continue to grow and reach new heights of success. As you achieve your goals, it’s important to reassess and set new goals.

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6. What should you do if you become overwhelmed when working towards your goals?

If you become overwhelmed, it’s important to break down your goals into smaller, achievable steps. This will help you stay on track and avoid becoming overwhelmed.

7. What is the biggest obstacle to achieving success?

The biggest obstacle to achieving success is fear. Fear can prevent us from taking action towards our goals and limit our potential for success.


Achieving success requires a combination of goal-setting, planning, action, and perseverance. Following the success strategies of Estrella Cerqueira can help you achieve your goals and reach new heights of success. Remember to define your goals clearly, create a plan, stay motivated, take action, overcome obstacles, measure progress, and continuously evolve. With hard work and determination, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. So, what are you waiting for? Start working towards your goals today!

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